Tristan's Dream

Tristan is an 11 year old boy with a dream. It's a simple dream that people shouldn't have to be homeless, go hungry or not have the means to take care of themselves. 

It isn't that his dream is any different then anyone else's dreams. We all wish people didn't have to go hungry or be homeless. We all want people to be able to take care of themselves. It's just that Tristan's optimism can't be diminished. He truly believes he can change the world!

This is who Tristan is and its why this 11 year old boy's dream is being followed by people 5 times his age. It's why his entire martial arts school is following his lead and donating food and clothing to his cause on a daily basis.

"As part of our martial arts program, we reward kids for getting involved in community service, said Adam Williss, his martial arts instructor. "But Tristan has taken it to a whole new level."

"Tristan believes that this world is NOT written for him, but by him; and he refuses to settle for the world as it is; deciding instead to remake the world as it should be."

Tristan's dream is that everyone should be able to stuff themselves on Thanksgiving, that no one should have to sleep outside on a cold winter night and that every child should be able to get presents for Christmas! 

Tristan has partnered with Micah’s Way, a local charitable organization who’s mission is to provide Orange County’s impoverished families and individuals with a support system that responds to immediate needs and helps develop self-sufficiency.

To help Tristan, donate used clothes and canned/dried goods at The Dragon Institute at 34241 Pacific Coast Highway in Dana Point throughout the Holiday season.

For more information, contact Elisabeth at 949-542-8470 or Elisabeth [at]

© The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu | 34241 Pacific Coast Highway | Dana Point, CA 92673 |