We don't acquire it. We constantly choose it.

:: By Adam Williss ::

Happiness. Wealth. Friendship. Luck. Affluence. Prosperity. Abundance.

These are not things that we acquire. We can't find happiness at a location or a time yet to come. We can't wait for things to get better or for things to stop getting worse.

We also can't push for the things to get better. Pushing only drives things the other way.

We don't acquire it. We constantly choose it.

We have to make the constant choice to tune into it. When we allow ourselves to tune into happiness and wealth, we stop trying so hard and it naturally comes. We have to trust in our innate power. We are much more powerful than we tend to believe.

But really its less of a choice than it is a feeling. We have to learn to empty the mind and feel.

When we keep our mind centered and relaxed, we can allow ourselves to naturally move forward. This kind of natural progress is stronger than anything in the world.

Choose to be simple. Feel the connection with abundance and things become clear.

I've found this deeply personal yet highly universal feeling of oneness with things. I'm not sure that I'd have found this without martial arts.

And to think most people count martial arts off as just learning how to fight. ;)