What is Chi Sao?

Chi Sao is a training development exercise of Wing Chun. It blends the pushing hands exercises of Tai Chi with the vertical self-defense planes of European bare knuckle boxing & fencing. Chi Sao sharpens your techniques similar to what a sharpening stone does for a blade.

To the martial arts student, learning Chi Sao should be considered a process of absorbing correct energy from the teacher. Chi Sao teaches good body structure, relaxation, forwardness, timing, distancing, pressure, advanced listening (senstivity) skills and many, many more aspects than I could list.

Chi Sao is an art in and of itself. It is a highly developed uninterrupted energy flow between two people specifically designed to awaken dormant human awareness. Any interference with the correct energies of Chi Sao is a violation of defense and should be instantly capitalized upon.

Beginners are first introduced to the simple, single sticky hand exercise (Doan Chi Sao). After practice, the basic attack and defense motions can be fluidly executed without thought or interruption of breath. This is the ideal: to be able to handle the most chaotic aggression with simplicity and efficiency.