Effecting Powerful Change & Healing within our Bodies
We use what is referred to as Chi in order to effect positive and permanent change in our bodies. Chi is intrinsic energy that unites the mind and body and energizes the cells to access our true strength and healing potential. It is also the ordering principle of life and is present in and around all of us for the restoration of mobility, function and energy in the body and to harness as a healing tool. Chi allows for the application of power with no undue physical force and is generated by intention through proper body position and focus.
Chi heals by using principles of Chinese medicine that have been in use for over 4000 years. When your body is out of balance, tension builds throughout your body, causing muscles, and ligaments in the body to contract, blocking the vital flow of chi, or vital energy. These blockages produce pain and illness in all of the systems of your body. Increasing the circulation of Chi throughout the body allows the body to organically heal itself. By releasing toxins and lactic acids, relieving tension, relaxing and re-aligning the spine. Continuous proper movement and posture stimulates the blocked areas of your body restoring the natural flow of Chi energy.
The movements within Wing Chun teach you how to move and stand in a way that releases the positive flow of Chi within your body. The stances, footwork and postures all cultivate proper flow of Chi. Whether you are practicing a form, working on proper postues on the wooden dummy, or working Chi Sao or other drills with a partner, by doing Wing Chun properly, you are letting your body heal itself naturally.