How to Learn Wing Chun

You have chosen a subtle, yet practical art. Focusing on simplicity, directness, and effectiveness. In this direction are some tips for accomplishing your skills in Wing Chun. The skills required will be easy to learn, but can take a life time to refine and master.


  1. There are many schools of thought in Wing Chun. So research the right school and teacher that best fits your schedual, learning and your goals.
  2. Wing chun in it simplicity can be arduous. So allow three months minimum of your time in the beggining, to the art.
  3. Focus on the Principals and theories, These will help you in understanding the art and advancing you through the system.
  4. Practice the first form (Sil lum tao). This form is the most important form, as it will help you in understanding the principals and theories. With out this knowledge advancement in the system may take a bit longer.
  5. Wing Chun is a practical art and requires a partner. So find a buddie, Gal friend, or training partner to work with you. ONLY! work on what you have worked on in class or understand, there are many videos that can help or hinder your learning.
  6. There are no substitutes for your Sifu. ASK! questions. Apply what you have learned. without applying you cannot correct or be corrected.
  7. Above all alow your mind and body to adjust to the new system, DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!
  8. as the first phase of the system is a test in character and perseverance.


  • Show up to classes.
  • Have a notebook and write down questions, what was covered in class.
  • Practice! Practice! Practice!


  • Wing Chun is one of the youngest martial arts and because of the untimely death of Grand master (Yip Man), a predecessor was never clearly documented. As a result there has been many different schools of thought depending on there lineage.
  • The one thing has remained is the Principals and Theories.
  • Consult a doctor befor starting any fitness programe.
  • Beaware of your limits and ailments.