Acai, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu & Surfers

Acai (ah-sigh-ee) is known in Brazil as the most nutritious, energy providing fruit. It grows in the lush floodplains of the Amazon River. About 10 years ago, the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu family, considered the original masters of the blend, started blending this fruit with banana and a little guarana (a mild natural stimulant). Since then, it has gone from a training secret to a daily ritual for surfers and all health conscious people in Brazil.

About a year ago, Sambazon started importing this blend to the US and selling it to natural juice bars and health food stores. Traditionally enjoyed in a bowl with granola and banana, acai is also popular blended into a refreshing smoothie. When Kelly Slater first found out acai was available in the US, he said "acai is one of my favorite things to eat. I would eat acai for breakfast everyday, and for snacks all day." He continued "I ate acai the first time I went to Brazil. I had never heard of it and I was freaking out on the stuff. " Rob Machado, another fan of this natural blend said "The highlight of my trips to Brazil is to eat acai." "You're gonna love it, man, a lot of energy," said Carlos Burle. "Well all I can say about Acai is that it is like a drug. I miss acai as much as I miss the g-string bikinis on the beach in Rio." Vava Ribeiro- world class Brazilian photographer.

Sambazon was started by a couple guys from Dana Point who were down in Brazil checking the culture and getting some waves. Local surfers introduced them to acai and they were hooked. After eating it everyday and seeing how good it made them feel they decided they had to have it here. So they went to the Amazon where it is harvested, "we went down there hoping to find a supplier, we came back with an exclusive contract with the best factory down there" said Ryan Black, President of Sambazon. So we pulled together all the money we could borrow, maxed our credit cards and bought a container. Then we started trying to convince every juice bar in Southern California that this was gonna be the next big thing." We had a really tough time getting a few places to give it a try, but places like Swami's and Melodia in Encinitas gave us a shot and now they they've got a bunch or regulars coming in for their daily fix. One year later Sambazon sells their acai blend to over 300 juice bars and cafes from the North Shore to downtown Manhattan and have even started shipping to Australia. Not too many people know about it yet, but those that do have made it a part of their daily routine. Not only does it do great things for your body, tons of antioxidants, essential omegas and amino acids, but it also gives you a natural energy buzz that people call a "heightened awareness"

Another major benefit is that Sambazon is creating a better market for the fruit, and since the native people can make more money harvesting fruit, it gives them incentive to protect the environment the trees grow in. Greenpeace considers the propagation of acai a solution to helping to save the Amazon Rainforest.

The company creates the goods right here is San Clemente. I recommend it to all my students and friends.

Read more and find out how where you can get it near you or how to have a freezer full shipped to your door at