6 Harmonies of Internal Martial Arts
The Six Harmonies of internal martial arts refer to the harmonizing or coordination between three of the bodies joints (6 total) and the coordination of three internal harmonies.
External Harmonies
1) The hands harmonize with the feet.
2) The hips harmonize with the shoulders.
3) The elbows harmonize with the knees.
Internal Harmonies
1) The emotions harmonize with the intention.
2) The intention harmonizes with the chi.
3) The chi harmonizes with the power.
“Coordination” or “harmonizing” the external harmonies includes good posture and the body parts moving in unison. It does not necessarily mean you are moving like a robot or that your limbs aren’t moving in different directions at times. There's much more to it.
One simple example could be your hand moving towards your opponent's centerline and your foot pointing in that same direction. Another example is beginning a movement in your knee at the same time you begin a movement in your elbow. In Wing Chun, we think of the knees and elbows driving the movement. Yet another example is when your hand places pressure on your opponent your foot should also place pressure into the ground. We call this having an associated foot.
You should prioritize your development of these harmonies. First you should work to unify the external harmonies of the hips and shoulders. At the same time, you are working to harmonize the emotions with your intention.
"Wing Chun is an internal martial art. It begins with Siu Nim Tao, a static posture training method known as Zhan Zhuang...
Coordination of the internal harmonies include calming your emotions and relaxing your mind. This is practiced during Siu Nim Tao as well. During Siu Nim Tao your emotional state harmonizes with the mind as you focus on cultivating a feeling of happiness, gratitude and well-being. The saying "where the mind goes, the chi goes" gives further insight into the way the intent harmonizes with the chi. Thinking about power first is the external path. This is why the last thing you think of developing in an internal art is power. You must first understand and develop the foundations of internal power. These are emotions, intent, and chi harmonies.
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute