Dragon Family Wing Chun
What is Dragon Family Wing Chun and what are the differences between what we do and other methods of martial arts or Wing Chun?
Dragon Family Wing Chun does not over emphasize historical preservation, ancestor worship or dead patterns of movement. Our approach is always based on logical application rather than cultural traditions.
On the other hand, we also do not simply innovate for innovation’s sake. When we find limitations in our ability to apply, we don’t look to add techniques from other martial arts. Instead, we look at what we are doing improperly based on the principles of the art.
In the end, we believe high level Wing Chun comes from years of highly concentrated training and an adherence to these Wing Chun principles.
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
Dragon Family Wing Chun does not over emphasize historical preservation, ancestor worship or dead patterns of movement. Our approach is always based on logical application rather than cultural traditions.
On the other hand, we also do not simply innovate for innovation’s sake. When we find limitations in our ability to apply, we don’t look to add techniques from other martial arts. Instead, we look at what we are doing improperly based on the principles of the art.
In the end, we believe high level Wing Chun comes from years of highly concentrated training and an adherence to these Wing Chun principles.
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute