Wing Chun - not just a fighting art

Wing Chun is not simply a fighting art! It's reputation for close-quarters hand-to-hand combat overshadows the art's multi-faceted health benefits. It's classification continues to confuse even some of the most experienced martial artists.

Here are three of Wing Chun's most overlooked avenues of physical and mental health.

Eastern Philosophy

Founded on several Eastern philosophies, Wing Chun is most influenced by Taoism. It is the art of simplicity, harmonizing with the universal laws of nature and learning to operate in the present. It isn't rigid in it's approach. It allows itself to be flexible. There is only universal principles that lead to higher levels of awareness. Wing Chun practitioners learn when to become empty and when to become full. In reality, there isn't one without the other.

Mindful Meditation
Sil Lim Tao
Wing Chun's Sil Lim Tao
Wing Chun IS meditation... eyes open, fully aware, heavily concentrated meditation! Wing Chun practitioners are taught to keep an unwavering focus on posture and breathing. Whether standing still or moving, this focus must be maintained and achieved through unrelenting effort. Through Wing Chun practice, you can physiological reduce emotional and mental stress. The same type of meditation found in Wing Chun, was scientifically proven in a 2008 Harvard University study to show positive influence on cell metabolism and response to oxidative stress.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Leung Jan's Notes
One of Leung Jan's Medical Books
Developed by Traditional Chinese medical physicians, Wing Chun promotes the body's most optimal health postures and highly functional movement. Not only are injuries very uncommon due to this focus on posture and movement, Wing Chun is a form of chi gong (qigong). It cleanses, balances, and circulates chi (the body's vital energy). Focusing on prevention and self-healing, Wing Chun practice balances the body's energy meridians and enhances the intrinsic capacity of the body to heal.

Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute