International Wing Chun Day 2013

International Wing Chun Day 2013

The 2013 International Wing Chun Day will be held on Saturday, March 16th, 2013.

International Wing Chun Day is a day set aside each year to help bring awareness to the martial art of Wing Chun.

Founded in 2010 as a way to further the art of Wing Chun, International Wing Chun Day was chosen during spring and determined to be held on the 3rd Saturday in March. It was first introduced on Facebook. In it's first year it was supported by 1100 Wing Chun practitioners worldwide.

The mission of International Wing Chun Day is to raise the level of awareness of the art of Wing Chun as a whole while educating the public of its benefits and local instruction in the individual communities surrounding Wing Chun schools.

For more information, visit International Wing Chun Day on Facebook