Forward Energy

Wing Chun is a concept-based art, rather than a technique-based art. This means that there are specific universal concepts that guide a practitioner's movements and techniques. So if someone attacks you with a certain technique, you wouldn't just respond with a specific technique to counter him. You would employ Wing Chun concepts to respond to his "energy", not his technique. The technique you end up using to respond is simply an attribute of the concept. One concept we look to use at every opportunity is referred to as "forward energy".

Forward energy refers to the Wing Chun practitioner's intention effort and concentration made, and maintained, in the direction of the opponent's center line. You should never attempt to move their opponent's limbs away from this center. Doing so would be considered "chasing hands", an attribute of poor Wing Chun execution. In addition, you should never allow yourself to be moved away from the center line. If you allowed this you would be out of position to defend or attack. Instead, you should always take both your energy and your opponent's energy to the opponent’s center.

Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute