5 Tips for Beginning Martial Arts

Beginning Martial Arts is an amazing experience. It's both exciting and extremely challenging. Martial arts have the unique gift to frustrate you at the same time it empowers you through its eye-opening experiences. You just don't find the same things in most other activities.

Whether you're looking at beginning martial arts are have just begun martial arts, here are five words to live by...

1. Listen
Martial arts are best learned by doing. Listen way more than you talk. Watch. You’ll get more from your martial arts experience.

2. Ask
Pose lots of questions. The more you ask the more you'll learn. What can I train at home? What books can I read? Ask the instructor and fellow students. Everyone should be willing to help.

3. Diligence
You have to work on your craft every day. If you want to get their faster, momentum is the key. Solo practice is all about momentum. Practicing at home gets the ball rolling so that when you're in class that momentum will carry you to further insight. Consistent practice at home is the difference between someone who quits and someone who stays. It's that simple.

4. Submit
If you want to learn, you have to leave your ego at home. Learning is all about submitting. Bruce Lee said, "In order to taste my cup of water you must first empty your cup. Drop all your preconceived ideas and be neutral. Be like water. Relax and go with the flow."

5. Humility
There’s nothing more annoying than an egotistical newbie. A quiet confidence is fine, but please be humble. You will be right sometimes, but you’ll certainly be wrong a lot, too (especially at the start of your martial arts journey).

© The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu | 34241 Pacific Coast Highway | Dana Point, CA 92673 | ocwingchun.com