Our Recent Orange County Wing Chun Seminar
This past weekend's seminar, "Reaching Your Wing Chun Potential", with Mario Hostios was exceptional. His years of direct experience under the source of our modern training methods, Karl Godwin, has yeilded unmistakable insight. There were in-depth discussions, clear demonstrations and practical drills for application. Mario did a great job of showing how our particular method of Wing Chun is truly a complete art - how it offers protection from violence, protection from illnesses, and a path of personal development for life.
Topics covered included...
Realizing the potential of your Empty Hand Sets
Mario detailed how the Empty Hand Forms forge the metal of your body into a Wing Chun sword. We went through Siu Nim Tao (with training block) and Chum Kiu with special emphasis on root.
Achieving effective power in your wooden dummy and sandbag training
Mario broke down how the Wooden Dummy Form and Sandbag Training sharpen the Wing Chun sword (aka body) so it can cut anything. Rotating out between partner applications and the sandbag we were able to feel as we released our relaxed power and gained knowledge into solo training methods.
Navigating and negating the intent and action of the aggressor
After explaining Chinese Medicine Theory in plain English, Mario diagramed Wing Chun's use of it in recieving and delivering energy. Through sensitivity to energy, both visual and tactile, we worked on drills that clarified our understanding of an aggressor's intent and how to deal with their possible actions.
Much more was covered than I can put into words. Needless to say it was 4 hours of overload for many of the participants. I can't thank Mario enough for his desire to share his far-reaching knowledge.
~Sifu Adam Williss
More Feedback from the Seminar
"The workshop was excellent. Of particular benefit for me was the explanation around the three areas of training and their focus. This provides me a strong workable context for my training. The drills were very pertinent to the concepts discussed... and could be applied during solo training which is important for me since I get in only two group sessions a week. Having taken this seminar, a second seminar with more drills where the concepts could be practiced would be great. If this is planned, sign me up." ~Phillip Call, San Clemente, CA