Orange County Wing Chun Website Launched
Orange County, CA - A new web site for Orange County locals has been launched as part of an awareness campaign to educate people about the Chinese martial art of Wing Chun.
The new site, Orange County Wing Chun, is the latest initiative to be developed under the umbrella of the Adam Williss Martial Arts & Wellness Institute. It targets individuals in Orange County looking to discover the unique benefits found through the practice of Wing Chun --- a 200 year old traditional Chinese martial arts system.
The website,, features educational material on Wing Chun including several revealing articles, a substantial array of video clips and information on local Orange County Wing Chun group classes and private personal training.
Wing Chun is Bruce Lee's kung fu. As the world's most popular form of kung fu, Orange County Wing Chun draws attention to an art widely known for its devastatingly effective close-quarters combat.
Using an attacker's force and turning it back against them, Wing Chun gains strategic control of an attacker from the moment the first touch. It lose the gap quickly with an aggressive onslaught of attacks while jamming up an attacker and neutralizing their ability to fight.
Wing Chun is Bruce Lee's kung fu. As the world's most popular form of kung fu, Orange County Wing Chun draws attention to an art widely known for its devastatingly effective close-quarters combat.
Using an attacker's force and turning it back against them, Wing Chun gains strategic control of an attacker from the moment the first touch. It lose the gap quickly with an aggressive onslaught of attacks while jamming up an attacker and neutralizing their ability to fight.
To take advantage of this new resource, access the Orange County Wing Chun website at