The Positive Physiological Impact of Training

The Personal Training Account of Wade Adams

Outside of the efficiency and effectiveness of our training I wanted to support the physiological impact. After initial exposure at a young age in an Okinawa style, I continued other forms over subsequent years. Over the same period, multiple sports-related knee injuries, including a massive fracture to the joint, resulted in seven surgeries - from invasive rebuilds to scopes and lateral releases. The damage constrained my ability to practice many forms of martial arts. Advice from a friend trained in several Chinese styles, and competitively active in MMA, directed me to Wing Chun and then to Adam Williss. Within six month of joining Adam Williss' training I was at a regular doctor visit whom is also a Certified Sports Physician that has treated my knee for several years. Wearing shorts at the visit, my doctor noticed my knee. In an unsolicited comment, he said my knee, the muscles and alignment, looked healthier than he could recall over the years. Explaining to him the Wing Chun form (including Kim Yeung Mah and the Siu Nim Tau) he immediately enforced the conversation by emphasizing the physiological benefits and strengths of the forms, exercises and training.

Wade has been one of my most dedicated students. Although initially coming to me due to his concerns about his knee, he was quick to realize the overall effectiveness and intelligence of our approach to self-defense.

In a recent unfortunate turn of events, Wade was struck by a car while walking across a crosswalk. The impact actually crushed the lower section of his left leg into many pieces. Our thoughts are with him as he slowly recovers. Interestly enough, Wade believes our training and conditioning together actually enabled him to react and move in such a way that limited the potential damage to his leg. This, he believes, would have been much more significant trauma, including head and spinal column trauma.

In an email, Wade wrote:

Thank you for your well wishes and especially thank you for your diligent training that not only I, but many other people familiar with the accident believe gave me the best possible opportunity to have avoided the worst.