Its not anything new
Its not anything new. On the contrary, it's ideas have been tried over and over again. Its not anything different either. There have been countless number of people that have attempted the things we are doing. Its nothing new. We really haven't created anything.
Its been the same since the beginning of time. The laws of physics govern everything in the natural world. Therefore, as a martial artist, but more importantly, as a human, those that follow natural principles most closely will have a better understanding of truth. Whether its the natural principles of body mechanics, timing, and force, or the connections of non-physical things inherent in the world around us. As simple as it sounds, the fact remains that too many individuals don't get it. Or if they do get it, they don't stick to this truth.
What culture still has yet to grasp is the idea of one-ness. The idea that everything around us is part of a whole. The idea that we as humans are not the center of things. We are only part of the whole.
Its not just western culture that has a problem with this. Its Asian culture as well. For hundreds of years one group has been trying to conquer another.
What we just can't seem to get is that domination is not the answer. Winning is not what matters. These words are almost sacreligious to most of us. Its what has been ingrained in our psyche since we were little children. "You're number 1" or "you are the best." It is a serious problem how much winning seems to matter to us all. How much does being right matter to you? It matters too much to me too and so does winning.
We all seem to have the need to complicate things. Its like we have an innate need to make it harder on ourselves. Its the addition of complexity that taints the natural and spoils true effectiveness. If only we could simplify and be honest with ourselves.
To thine own self be true. This statement is just as powerful today as it was in the days of old. Its so powerful because people aren't true to themselves. We do the wrong things for the wrong reasons and swear that its right.
Like I said, our small group has not embarked on anything new. We're just using martial arts as a path to get to where we need to go. Its just a way of expressing ourselves in order to become more honest. And its this same honesty we seek out of life.
Good luck with your search for honesty!