Fall/Winter Issue of Wing Chun Teahouse

The latest issue of the Wing Chun Teahouse debuted the other day. Overall, I think its another successful issue. The cover article featured the late Lok Yiu by his European Association founder, Wilhelm Blech. Other articles featured about Wing Chun & MMA as well as one about running well-balanced Wing Chun school. Below is my publisher's letter from the magazine.

Welcome to the Fall/Winter Issue of Wing Chun Teahouse online magazine... a publication that promotes Wing Chun as a whole, in all its forms. Whether you spell it Wing Chun, Ving Tsun, WingTsun, Vinh Xuan, Yong Chun, Ving Tzun, Weng Chun, etc and whatever specific lineage you come from, Wing Chun Teahouse is a publication for you.

As our great art continues to grow as a whole, we can bring the intelligent principles of Wing Chun to more and more people in places never before. Currently, we distribute our magazine to international Wing Chun enthusiasts in eight different countries.

The Wing Chun Teahouse is your stage... your vehicle to tell the world about your unique training methods and experiences. Whether you have a great deal of experience with Wing Chun or not, our community as a whole can benefit from many different points of view. All subjects are open. The only guideline is that you keep politics out of your writings and respect the many different lineages within our art.

We’re also looking for fellow Wing Chun practitioners to join our team and donate their time to promoting our great art. If you have experience in publishing, editing, advertising, writing, journalism, public relations, photography or marketing and would like to join our team, please let us know. Together we can continue to share the art of Wing Chun with people all over the world!